jueves, 30 de mayo de 2024




My family is one of the best things I have in this life, it is numerous, loving and of course, united.

I currently live with my older sister, my dad and my two dogs, I don't live with my mom because she is out of the country. The coexistence in my home is good and the atmosphere from time to time is also good, although I keep alone at home since my sister and my dad work all day almost every day.

In my family 98% of us are women, my grandmother, my two aunts and my mother, my 4 cousins and my cousin; one of my cousins has a son who is a boy as well as my younger cousin, they are the only men in the family.

We all love animals, spending time as a family, we celebrate our birthdays together most of the time and take care of each other, I love them.

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